Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Open files in a folder recursively with Notepad++

Open Explorer and drag the folder on top of the Notepad++ window (somewhere in the main window).

I'm posting this because I could not find out how to do this quickly with a simple Google search -- hopefully someone else will have this question and stumble on this post through the keywords.


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Kurt Sarponson said...
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Anonymous said...

Yep I did a Google search, found your advice and it did exactly what I needed.

Your post is a service to the community, thanks.

ClintJCL said...

gee it sure would be nice if i could read an answer to this question

George said...

Found your advice on Google as well.. Thank you.

to ClintJCL
The answer is at the top of the post:
Open Explorer and drag the folder on top of the Notepad++ window (somewhere in the main window).